
Health, Safety, Environment & Quality

Concern for Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSE-Q) is an integral part of Samson's business conduct. Every Samson employee is required to exercise personal responsibility and a commitment to safe working practices, healthy working conditions, consciousness of the environment and delivery of the highest level of service quality to our customers.

Samson's HSE-Q Policy entails:

Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Prevention of accidents, incidents, damages, injuries and occupational health hazard and a firm intention to aim for zero injuries.

Setting of demanding targets to encourage and ensure continuous improvement.

Motivation of our employees to work responsibly by providing training.

Provision of our employees with the means to enable them to perform their jobs in a healthy, safe and environmentally friendly manner.

Continuous improvement of our quality levels, thereby meeting and often exceeding customers' expectations.

Regular internal audits and investigations following incidents and/or accidents in order to implement corrective actions, with a focus on continuously improving and updating our procedures.